BISCOM 8 on Social Media
FABC -- Some 43 Bishops, priests, religious and lay people from 11 Asian countries participated in the eighth “Bishops’ Institute for Social Communication” (BISCOM 8) at Assumption University, Bangkok September 3-9, 2012. The seminar-workshop focused on the theme “Social Media: Networking, Blogging, Gaming, Addiction… - Challenges and Opportunities for the Communication Ministry in Asia” and drew guidelines on how local churches can effectively engage in today’s online environment. More than 10 resource persons explored and reflected on the topic together with bishops and others present. In the Final Statement, the participants have renewed the call for the commission and formation of “digital missionaries” for values and faith formation in and through social media. Episcopal conferences, dioceses and parishes are also called upon to “re/design a pastoral plan that integrates social communication in all apostolates.” BISCOMs are organized by the FABC-Office of Social Communication. BISCOM 8 is linked to BISCOM 6 on "Converging Communications for Ministry in Asia" (Bangkok, 2007).
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